The Treasure Hunt – a children’s tale

I wrote this sometime last year and thought it was dumb afterwards. So I did nothing with it. This morning, while going through old files, I unearthed it, reread it and loved it for what it is – my journey in parable form. My hope is that you will feel the love of Papa as you read and discover His love for you.


It was a cool spring morning as bright warm sunbeams peeked through my curtains. I heard my bedroom door slowly creek open. Papa woke me with tickles and kisses.
“Rise and shine, Sleepyhead. Come play with me! We have a big day ahead of us. I made a treasure, it’s hiding and you get to go find it!” He exclaimed with a twinkle in His eye.

I quickly dressed in anticipation and raced out the door toward the field of tall grass, the blades rising above my waist. “Yay!! A treasure hunt!” I yelled out heading toward the field.

I began my quest with enthusiasm. There was a skip to my step and a tune in my heart. It was gonna be a grand adventure! They always were with Papa!

As the day wore on I began to feel discouraged. I had finally reached the end of the field. I had searched high and low, but could not find a single trace of anything valuable. There was only miles and miles of dead colorless grass as far as the eye could see.


I dejectedly plopped myself down at the base of a lonely tree while large tears welled up in my eyes. This was not fun anymore. A little prairie dog came out of her burrow to see what woke her. I glanced in her direction. She stared back, so I poured my heart out to her.

“Am I in the right place? He did say there was a treasure here, didn’t he? Why would He tell me to find something I couldn’t find? It seems His idea of a treasure is dirt, because that’s all that’s here!” The little furry animal didn’t seem to have time for my whining and scurried off back to her den. I threw myself face down onto the ground and cried out all my frustrations. Time went by and the bright yellow sphere began to descend toward the horizon.

Just before twilight a light breeze blew across my mud stained cheeks and with it a scent of honey-spices traveled over to me. My heart began to beat faster in anticipation. In the distance I could see His mouth moving and I knew He was speaking with Wind; His strong hands parting the tall grass as he moved gracefully toward me. He was getting closer and I could see his face shining with excitement. “Yay! You found it!” He exclaimed and picked me up, swung me around in a wide circle then placed me gently back on my feet. We giggled and then I quieted, remembering my current dilemma.


I glanced around every which way still looking for the treasure he spoke of. Confused, I looked down at the ground and broke some soil free with my toes. Looking back into His kind eyes I whispered, “I wish I knew what you meant. I’ve searched all day long. I have even dug a few ditches and found nothing.” My breathing became more labored as my voice gained momentum. I was angry.

“I’ve ran every inch of this field and dug holes with my bare hands all day and I have nothing to show for it. I feel lied to. Why did you tell me there was a treasure here when it’s nowhere to be found? I’m weary of the search, I’m done looking, and I’m tired of working!” I crossed my arms over my chest and stomped my foot in the dirt for good measure.

He held back a chuckle. His expression began to soften as he noticed the hurt and exhaustion etched in the details of my face. Tears were just below the surface. He picked me up again, this time in a warm embrace and settled me in His arms. Using his fingers, He pushed the loose tendrils of brown hair out of my eyes and tenderly placed them behind my ear.

“Dear Child, don’t you fret. You will never find this treasure with hard work or effort. You are searching too hard. The moment you entered that field, you had already found the precious prize!”

I sniffled and gave him a puzzled look.

“It seems you have forgotten who you are, Sweet One. You are my child, always have been, always will be. You were born of love therefore love is who you are. You don’t have to look deep to see my DNA in you. Just look at your reflection in that creek over there. You are more valuable than the most costly jewels in all the world. Don’t you see? YOU are the treasure!

I shrugged my shoulders and gave a loud sigh. There was nothing special about me. I wasn’t any better or worse than the next person. How could what He said be true?

“Believe in who you are!” He continued. “Believe you are powerful and made like me! You have my mind and have access to my thoughts. You are mine and nothing can change that.” I began to feel warm and cozy throughout my whole body. It reminded me of drinking hot cocoa on a cool rainy day- the heat chasing away the cold. My toes even tingled.

“Live like a beloved treasure for that’s who you are. You can do no wrong here with me. Don’t worry about secondary stuff anymore. It does you no good and distracts you from Me and My love. Sickness, fear and sin dissolve in the light of my love and acceptance. The more you snuggle next to me the less worry you will encounter. My love pushes all the fear out.”

“Knowing you are the treasure is just the beginning of seeing everything from a clearer perspective- or seeing things from My reality. Close your eyes to that old worthless way of thinking. You are not poor. You are not wretched. You are not lost. And you are not broken. Child, you are free.”

I wanted to believe Him so badly. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut. All I had ever wanted was to be near Him and see everything the way He did. I wanted fresh perspective.


I began repeating this new found gem,
“I AM the treasure! I am THE treasure! I am YOUR treasure!”

As I spoke I began to feel my thoughts shifting. I could feel my heart receiving this Truth and I knew it was being carved in my heart for all time.

“Life is for you to enjoy.” He responded. “It’s my joy to offer you all that I am and have. I’ve opened your eyes to see. Provision is at your fingertips, grace is always available, and my beauty is in everything around you. Love IS and it is all yours right now. It is as easy as receiving a present on Christmas morning. Can you see it?”


I slowly opened my eyes. There before me were trees and birds. Rivers and waterfalls. Flowers and vines. Everywhere the dried up field had been there was instead life bubbling up from every pore of the ground and a lullaby coming from every winged creature. Even the clouds were smiling at me! Where I once saw dead scratchy grass was now a lush green oasis blooming with color and life. Each tree’s branches were bending under the weight of their abundance.

Rubbing my eyes, I slowly began to turn around and around, trying to take it all in.

The smells were beyond anything my nose had ever encountered and light was in everything, shining through everything- even me! There was no darkness here. There was no darkness in me. Wow!! There were so many new discoveries to be made.

“Another time, my love.” He replied, answering my thoughts before I spoke them. Then he lifted me high above his head and placed me securely on His shoulders. “Now you know why I love treasure hunts so much!” He exclaimed and then laughed the deepest and heartiest laugh I’d ever heard while I watched His belly dance with joy.

He turned and started walking us home, whistling as He went.

That night He tucked me in with a kiss and a song. I drifted off to sleep, dreaming of tomorrow’s adventures knowing they would be grand. They always were with Papa.


One thought on “The Treasure Hunt – a children’s tale

  1. […] an inner knowing and truth of who we really are – humans with divinity stowed away inside. The parable of the field is a perfect example of this. The treasure had been within the field all along. Here is an excerpt […]

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